We take pride in curating and showcasing a diverse collection of unique handmade gifts crafted by talented adults with autism and other developmental disabilities. Each item in our selection is a testament to the creativity and skills of our artisans, offering one-of-a-kind pieces that exude love and passion.
Made with natural and organic ingredients. Our products are specifically formulated to satisfy our artisans'/ contractors’ talents and strengths. As we continue to employ more adults with developmental disabilities, our list of products is going to grow and reflect their amazing abilities.
Surfing Photos by Spencer Brown
Surfing Photos by Spencer Brown
Surfing Photo 1- High Quality Photo of surfing in San Diego with a glossy finish. 16x20
Surfing Photo 2-High Quality Photo of surfing in San Diego with a glossy finish. 16x20
Surfing Photo 3- High Quality Photo of surfing in San Diego with a glossy finish. 8x10 on a wood frame.
Surfing Photo 4 (Golden Hour, Tamarack Beach)- High Quality Photo of surfing in San Diego with a glossy finish. 16x20
Surfing Photo 5 (Golden Hour, Tamarack Beach)- High Quality Photo of surfing in San Diego on canvas. 16x20
Surfing Photo 6 (Sliding Terra Mar Point)- High Quality Photo of surfing in San Diego on canvas. 16x20
Photography By Spencer Brown